Thank God for spellcheck. There are some words I just can’t spell. For whatever reason my brain refuses to learn the correct spelling of a few words – words that are fairly common and you dear readers have no problem with at all.
One is jeopardy. Even as I typed it just now the squiggly red line appeared underneath. I keep putting a’s where there should be o’s or o’s where there should be a’s. And again, it’s not an obscure word. I watch the TV show all the time. The word is displayed in giant letters.
Another is privilege. I don’t even come close on this word. At any given time I may write privlige, priviledge, priveledge, privlige, privelige. None of these look any more wrong that the actual spelling.
For a long time I wrestled with guarantee. Somehow I mastered it. And I’m afraid to list the ways I misspelled it for fear that that will confuse me again and I’ll be back at square one.
In the case of pigeon, I want to always write pidgeon. And don’t get me started on pidgin.
I’d like to think I’m not alone in this brain cramp. So let me ask you – what are words that you can’t spell?
Imagine losing the final round of the National Spelling Bee over jeopardy?
from By Ken Levine
One is jeopardy. Even as I typed it just now the squiggly red line appeared underneath. I keep putting a’s where there should be o’s or o’s where there should be a’s. And again, it’s not an obscure word. I watch the TV show all the time. The word is displayed in giant letters.
Another is privilege. I don’t even come close on this word. At any given time I may write privlige, priviledge, priveledge, privlige, privelige. None of these look any more wrong that the actual spelling.
For a long time I wrestled with guarantee. Somehow I mastered it. And I’m afraid to list the ways I misspelled it for fear that that will confuse me again and I’ll be back at square one.
In the case of pigeon, I want to always write pidgeon. And don’t get me started on pidgin.
I’d like to think I’m not alone in this brain cramp. So let me ask you – what are words that you can’t spell?
Imagine losing the final round of the National Spelling Bee over jeopardy?
from By Ken Levine
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