It's been two years of lying, cheating, racism, destroying human rights, disrespecting women, condoning Nazis, separating toddlers from their families, mass shootings involving innocent people and children, lining pockets, obstructing justice, pissing on the Constitution, advocating violence, cutting your health care, raping the environment, jeopardizing your Social Security and Medicare, treason, and felony crimes -- today at least we have a chance to DO SOMETHING. 

Please vote.  Please restore decency and kindness and ethics and justice and everything America really stands for.   Especially you Millennials.  As it is it will probably take 20 years to undo all of the damage done in the last two years.   The future is YOUR world.   You will be the ones suffering the most if all if this continues.  And trust me, you WILLl suffer.  For your own sake, for the security of your family, vote these monsters out.

And if not, God help you... because I won't.

from By Ken Levine
