End Game of Thrones

I feel completely out of step with the world.

I have no desire to see AVENGERS ENDGAME – I don’t care how many billions it's taken in. I’ve reached my saturation point on super hero movies… and all-star super hero movies. They end in a big cliffhanger where it appears everyone dies, but you know they’ll all be back. I’m done. Okay, except for the next Wonder Woman. But after that I’m really done. (Unless there's another Wonder Woman.)

I’ve never been able to get into GAME OF THRONES. Just not a fantasy guy. Dragons and bloodshed are fine for Broadway musicals but not TV series. At least for me.

I can’t watch the news. It just infuriates me. Even commentators that I love. Sorry. Please let me know when we have a new president.

I don’t own a Fitbit. So I walk 6,542 steps today? And some of those were to get pie?

I didn’t watch the NFL Draft. I was not on pins and needles waiting to see who the Kansas City Chiefs picked first.

I don't watch AMERICAN IDOL (although nobody does anymore).  

So I’m out of step. And yet I seem to be existing okay. I don’t sense a real void in my life. The time I spend not doing these things is filled with other pursuits, other projects, other passions. I don’t feel deprived. The only downside is… is…. Hmmm. I can’t think of one.

from By Ken Levine
