Weather Idiot

I watch JEOPARDY every night and here in Los Angeles it's on Channel 7, the ABC affiliate.  Right before the show they go to weather guy Dallas Raines for a preview of the weather.  And I just want to punch this fucking guy in the face.  He has a shit-eating grin and takes great delight in delivering bad news.   For Mother's Day: (big smile) "Hey it's gonna rain on Mom. Details at 11."


Hasn't local news moved on from these happy-talk assholes?  When I was going to Minneapolis last month I checked in with one of their local weather guys and was very impressed.  This was a real meteorologist, who clearly understood weather patterns and was able to articulate them in a clear concise way.  Compare that to the yokel on Channel 7.

Now granted we don't get much weather here in LA and a number of stations have gotten by with hot young ingenues who don't know there's another meaning for snow besides cocaine, but come on.  A shred of credibility maybe?  A tiny thread?

Here's what I'm talking about.  Tell me you wouldn't hold him while I punched him. 

from By Ken Levine
