Friday Questions

It’s Friday already.  So let’s dive into some FQ’s, shall we?

Vincent Saia gets us going.

I know this is a highly controversial issue, but I think your views on this are important. How would you feel about a black James Bond? Or a bi-sexual James  T. Kirk (I'm sure you know William Shatner has already voiced his opinion)? Personally, I agree with Stan Lee - Once the race, gender, and/or sexual orientation of a character is established it should not be changed.

I don't think I'm being bigoted or narrow-minded. I think I'm respecting the conception of the author(s). Of course, if the author says it's okay as Sam Shepard did when he gave his (belatted) blessings to a female version of TRUE WEST, that's a different matter. I'm sure  you remember THE NEW ODD COUPLE. lol

I guess my big question is why is the character’s ethnicity or gender changed?  If it’s just to add diversity then it seems patronizing.  But if you plan on going in a different direction with the character then the change may be a huge plus.  

James Bond has always been portrayed as a proper English gentleman.  Were there African-American secret agents with Bond’s background?  If so then great.  If not, it’s just a distortion of the character.   Create a new character.  Start a new franchise that hopefully can go for fifty years.  

I never saw the all-female version of THE ODD COUPLE.  Quite honestly, it felt like a stunt and a money grab.

I would however, pay to see a Caucasian version of SHAFT.

Ben asks:

Do you update your blog yourself? What about the podcast? Did you set it up originally or have someone else consult? Just wondering how those old jock tech skills translate to the Internet.

Everything associated with the blog I do myself.  As for the podcast, I have a host company, WAVE, that drops it weekly on its various platforms.  But I do all the production and any necessary editing.  Each week I upload a fully completed episode.  

Brandon in Virginia wonders:

About a week or two ago, I was telling someone about a series of memos Robert Reed wrote to Sherwood Schwartz criticizing "The Brady Bunch"'s writing, and how silly the show was getting. While Reed wasn't necessarily wrong - one memo talked about a hair tonic turning Greg's hair orange in 1970-something - if you had a star constantly doing this, do you give in or tell them where to stick their memos?

Footnote: I believe the plan was to kill off the Mike Brady character, but ABC canceled the show.

It depends on the actor — whether he’s worth it, and just how far apart creatively you are with him.  Also, how respectful he expresses his dissatisfaction.  

On the one hand, Robert Reed was probably right and the show often did flirt with implausibility.  On the other, it was a Sherwood Schwartz production — the guy who did GILLIGAN’S ISLAND.  So Reed had to know going in what he was in for.  It’s not like he was promised FRASIER and it turned into SILVER SPOONS.  

That said, if I were the showrunner Carol Brady would have been a widow after season one.  

And finally, from Bill Kelliher:

Ken, what are your thoughts on the Frasier reboot now that it's official? Will you be working on the new show?

I have not been asked to participate and know none of the particulars.  I don’t know the premise, don’t know the writers, the cast, or whether any of the original cast members will be involved.  

I wish them the very best.  They have some gargantuan shoes to fill.  But I think the world needs a FRASIER-esque quality sitcom again.  

What’s your Friday Question?  Get vaccinated!!!!

from By Ken Levine
