In no order of importance except for the first item.
I loved Ed Asner and had the pleasure of working with him three times. I directed him twice and he graciously did a play reading of mine (see above photo). He was a total mensch, a pleasure to work with, and had a wicked sense of humor. The last time I saw him was just before the pandemic at another memorial and in a room filled with comedy writers he was the funniest. I didn’t write a full tribute because I really didn’t know him all that well. Usually, I like to share some personal stories and provide a perspective you won't find elsewhere. But in this case, I’d just be repeating what everyone else said. Suffice it to say, he lived a good long life and spread joy and humanity wherever he went. I don’t know about your Facebook news feed, but mine is filled with people who all had their pictures taken with Ed. I think in 91 years he met everybody in show business. And they all loved him.
Get vaccinated.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by Hurricane Ida. It’s times like this you put aside politics.
Get vaccinated.
Interesting how the Mets players are turning on the fans. And Mets fans are pussycats compared to Red Sox and Phillies fans.
Get vaccinated.
Big shocker that Mike Richards was fired as Executive Producer of JEOPARDY and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I’m now waiting for the axe to fall on some of the Sony executives who let this whole fiasco happen.
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In a new poll the Dodgers are now the most hated team in baseball. Take that Yankees! LA rules!
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Who bets on NFL pre-season games? Good luck with that.
from By Ken Levine
I loved Ed Asner and had the pleasure of working with him three times. I directed him twice and he graciously did a play reading of mine (see above photo). He was a total mensch, a pleasure to work with, and had a wicked sense of humor. The last time I saw him was just before the pandemic at another memorial and in a room filled with comedy writers he was the funniest. I didn’t write a full tribute because I really didn’t know him all that well. Usually, I like to share some personal stories and provide a perspective you won't find elsewhere. But in this case, I’d just be repeating what everyone else said. Suffice it to say, he lived a good long life and spread joy and humanity wherever he went. I don’t know about your Facebook news feed, but mine is filled with people who all had their pictures taken with Ed. I think in 91 years he met everybody in show business. And they all loved him.
Get vaccinated.
My heart goes out to everyone affected by Hurricane Ida. It’s times like this you put aside politics.
Get vaccinated.
Interesting how the Mets players are turning on the fans. And Mets fans are pussycats compared to Red Sox and Phillies fans.
Get vaccinated.
Big shocker that Mike Richards was fired as Executive Producer of JEOPARDY and WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I’m now waiting for the axe to fall on some of the Sony executives who let this whole fiasco happen.
Get vaccinated.
In a new poll the Dodgers are now the most hated team in baseball. Take that Yankees! LA rules!
Get vaccinated.
Who bets on NFL pre-season games? Good luck with that.
Get vaccinated.
Elaine Welteroth exits THE TALK. Who is Elaine Welteroth?
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Hey, the network Fall Season is about to begin!!!! Yawn.
Get vaccinated.
When you and your friends discuss series you’re currently watching, how many of them are broadcast network shows? I’m guessing none.
How many idiot “COVID-is-a-hoax/anti vaxer/anti mask” radio talk show hosts have to die of COVID before people wise up? So far, four.
Get… you know the rest.
from By Ken Levine
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