Weekend Post

Here's some recommended comedy reading for those last few beach weeks of the summer.

Required Reading---

Neil Simon – Odd Couple (play)

John Kennedy Toole - Confederacy of Dunces (novel)

Recommended Reading --

John Vorhaus – The Comic Toolbox
Ken Levine – Must Kill TV
Woody Allen – Without Feathers
Woody Allen – Getting Even
Tad Friend - “What’s So Funny?”
John Morreall – “Historical Theories of Laughter”
Henri Bergson – Laughter, An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic
Steve Martin – Born Standing Up
Douglas McKwan -- My Lush Life
Tina Fey – Bossypants
Marc Maron – Attempting Normal
Andy Goldberg – Improv Comedy
Mike Sacks – Poking a Dead Frog

I want a ten page paper on one of these books from all of you by Friday.  

from By Ken Levine
