
EP134: Meet comedian/writer Jeff Cesario


Who's out there?

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: My review

In praise of Baltimore

Weekend Post

Friday Questions

EP133: Pilots I Have Worked On

Sometimes more is more

Handing a monkey a gun

In defense (again) of Sitcoms

Weekend Post

Friday Questions

EP132: Legendary Director Jim Burrows, Part 2

I will not be reviewing the Emmys this year

Has it really been ten years?

Interesting Facts (if they're true)

Weekend Post

Friday Questions

Bonus Post

EP131: Meet Director Jim Burrows Part 1

YESTERDAY -- my review

Why network television is like Major League Baseball

Breaking News: A police pursuit

Weekend Post

Friday Questions

EP130: Writing Musicals for Broadway… and the U.S Army

4th of July Memories

ROCKETMAN -- My review